A seguito di un percorso di crescita e qualificazione dell’azienda rivolto alla garanzia del consumatore e alla qualità del prodotto, TerrAmore ha ottenuto certificazioni di prodotto, che rinnova annualmente.
The protocol global gap defines the good agricultural practice (G.A.P. good agricultural practice) relating to the essential elements for the development of best practice applicable to farms, crops and agricultural products, livestock.
The protocol was created by Eurep (Euro-retailer Produce Working Group), which unites some of the most important European trade chains in order to meet the growing needs of food safety and respect for the environment.
The first issue called EurepGap Fruit and Vegetables and then re-published as EurepGap IFA (Integrated Farms Assurance), a modular standard for agricultural production and breeding activities. Today, is called GLOBAL G.A.P.
This protocol involved different members such as:
– Manufacturer
– GD0 Europe
– Associated members
Main features:
This protocol manages different aspects:
– environmental aspects (soil and waste management)
– product (pesticides adopted, irrigation techniques, protection of the crops, harvest modalities)
– Worker’s health and security
– elements about company management
The Globalgap protocol represents a Guideline about Good Agricultural
Practices and defines the high standard about fruit and vegetables production.
Leaf (Linking Environment And Farming) is created on 1991 to addressed to the primary sector, outlines, that is a method to do agriculture in the respect of the environment.
It was created to develop and promote the Integrated Farm Management (IFM) for farms.
Leaf marques is:
– a good assurance system based on the principles of integrated production
– subject to inspection and certifications by authorized organism, such as CSQA
– applied to every primary production sector
– using the Leaf marque logo
Main features:
This certificate can be used for all company products.
The logo can be used on the packaged products and on the label.
To using the Leaf marque logo the company must be in accordance with all Critical Failure Points (CFP).
The QS system (acronym of quality and security) is a system of assurance aimed at offering quality guarantees and food safety from the field (agricultural or breeding) to the shop counter.
The QS system was born in 2001 and is requested by german distribution chains to guarantee the quality of product.
It’s a type of certification B2C (business to consumer) notified to consumer through the use of a logo on the label.
Terramore currently has 60 hectares in organic agricolture already certified and 40 in conversion.
The bios certification attests that the cooperative respects the principles, methods and techniques of organic farming established by the reference standards, from production to preparation, distribution and selling.
The main aims are:
– transform holdings as much as possible into a self-sufficient agricultural system through local resources
– safeguard the natural fertility of the soil
– avoid any form of pollution caused by agricultural techniques and produce of high quality of product.
In the organic praticals are very important the agronomic aspects: the fertility of the soil is protected by fertilizers, crop rotation and green manure, processing to maintain and improve the soil structure and the percentage of organic matter.
The animals are raised in a way that respects their health and feed them in accordance with the principles of organic farming. It’s forbidden any form of industrial technique on the animals and their growth.
The IFS Standard (International Food Standard) iams to support and select the GD0 food suppliers according to their capacity of provide safe products.
The International Food Standard originates from the cooperation between:
– HDE and FCD that represent the english and german retailers
– Federdistribuzione that organize the italian large-scale distribution
– ANCC (Associzione Nazionale delle Cooperative dei consumatori)
– ANCD (Associazione Nazionale Cooperative tra Dettaglianti)
This protocol identifies the specific elements about hygienic and security system of the products.
The main features are:
– The use of good reference practices
– The use of HACCP system
– The use of qualitative management system
– The control about the quality of work environment and workers
– The existence of specific provisions such as: raw materials, finished product, semifinished product, monitoring of the suppliers, positioning of the web site, acccumulation and elimination of waste material, hygienic standard for products and organization of workers, process control.
Grasp means Global G.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice and is a voluntary ready-to-use module devoped to assess social practices on the farm, addressing specific aspects of worker’s health, safety and welfare.
Bio Suisse is the Swiss organic market’s private label.
Bio Suisse requirements have to be followed in addition to those requested by EU-Organic. The Bio Suisse guidelines are based on the Organic Farming Ordinance, but go beyond it in many respects, such as plant protections, animal feed, processing and standards.
The Bio Suisse Standards differ from minimum governmental regulations in several important respects, for example: the whole farm approach, the establishment of areas dedicated to the enhancement of biodiversity, and rigorous limits on the intensity of fertilization and on the use of cooper. Furthermore, the suppliers must be certified according to Bio Suisse Standards.
The SQNPI certification is aimed at the enhancement of agricultural and agri-food production and provides in particular for the certification of the integrated production process that combines good agronomic practices to guarantee cost-effective agricultural practices and, at the same time, a low envinromental impact.